See case study.

See case study.

From all the projects I worked on, this one was really enjoyable. Diana had a vision in her mind for her business card. She wanted a really simple and clean look and feel but at the same time a fun font with bright and vibrant colors. I liked the challenge. But there...

Plugin of the Week: WordPress Database Backup

WordPress Database backup installed is essential for anyones WordPress website or blog. Here are the top three benefits; 1. Backup Backup database often. Ability to instantly backup database on the spot. The backup file can be stored on the server or emailed to you....

Plugin of the week: WordPress NextGEN

  3 Benefits of WordPress NextGEN Gallery 1. Thumbnails. Pop-up (LightBox) Gallery. Slideshow So many options or features with this Plugin. May set up thumbnails where viewer may click on image and the image will pop up. Also, comes with achoice to see a...

Catalog WordPress Plugin

I finally found a great plugin that makes it super easy to add a catalog to your website or page. What I like best about this plugin is the following; 1. Add multiple Images. Yup. It’s possible to add multiple images at one time without having to load them one...

3 Topics to NOT tweet about

3 Topics to NOT tweet about 1. Promoting your product or service Only in moderation. It’s a place to be social and build connections. It’s ok to do this maybe after every 15 tweets at best to send out a promotion. 2. Spam Ever get tired of the same old people sending...