My Backstory

My friends have been encouraging me to write a blog for sometime on my reviews of restaurants when am food-challenged so to speak.  Low FODMAP, Low Histamine, Gluten-Free, and the list goes on….and I’m not one for labels either — invisible illnesses is all you need to know. As you can imagine, it raises some frustrating experiences when it comes to dining out. But, heck, I’ve got to get out of the norm from the 10 food list items of what I can eat (okay, it’s not that bad) and take some risks. I have to ask a lot of questions when I dine out, that’s for sure.

The most recent food adventure — a guest at the Chabad of Cherry Creek Seder dinner at the Jacquard Hotel in Cherry Creek.

I was greeted by an Orthodox Rabi and his wife and was overjoyed by their enthusiasm of bringing together a large group while overlooking the beautiful sunset and mountain view of the City of Denver.

If you’ve ever been to a Seder dinner, a typical meal served tends to be pretty bland. But it doesn’t have to be.


And if you’ve ever experienced Passover, it’s like a 10 course meal. The hotel did a great job of coordinating the event along with the food as it truly depicted of what a Seder dinner is like. Some of the highlights were gefilte fish, matzah ball soup and a buffet of desserts. During the dinner, things did get interesting. I’m not a religious person, and the person to my left certainly wasn’t either. He snuck in a flask of lemon vodka and was doing rounds of shots with his buddy…. while the seriousness of a rabbi to my right was holding an overflowing glass of wine (on purpose) over a small dish during prayer. And I wondered where all of the wine had gone to, well, shhhh–it was at his end of the table.

What stood out the most was the handmade Matzah brought in by our hosts. I snuck in a nibble to see what all the fuss was about. It didn’t have the cardboard taste that you normally get in the box at the store. The matzah had a nice crunchy taste, a little flaky, and flavorful. Soon the 10 course meal mentioned earlier felt more like a 2 course meal by the end of the evening. And I’m like a dog salivating when by the time the desserts came around.

Overall, it was the best Seder dinner I had ever been to. Although, I still appreciate a family gathering.