Successful Online Marketing Practices from the Top 3 Boulder Yoga Studios

I am a Web Developer and Web Designer by trade.  I enjoy my career immensely.  I love the creativity of web development and I feel inspired when I can help a client realize a successful online presence.  I specialize in the development of websites for the health and wellness communities.  Why, you may ask?  On a personal level, I am drawn to the concept that a healthy body and mind begins with a dedication and responsibility of the individual.

On my life journey, I have made the commitment to practice Yoga. I feel physically strong and the mental focus of this practice has brought a grounding and clarity to my life.  My involvement in Yoga has led me to search online for classes at local studios.  During my research, I have found some really wonderful websites and social media campaigns from local Yoga studios in the Boulder area.  This is not a review of the businesses or studios. Literally, this is what I consider to be a list of the Top 3 website designs and online marketing practices for Yoga studios in Boulder that I have recently viewed.

  • This website has an excellent home page menu.  The main navigation contains pertinent information with quick access to class schedules, events and instructors.
  • There is what we refer to in our industry as a “call to action” on home page.  This is basically an invitation for the viewer to contact the business ie. Please feel free to contact us for more information.  It is a proven marketing strategy to ask for communication from prospective clients.  This website encourages prospective clients to ‘drop-in’ for classes.
  • This studio also actively uses social media to initiate relationships with current and prospective client.  There is an active Facebook presence (  I’ve noticed excellent interaction between the business and the fan page followers.
  • This website prominently displays an offer to practice yoga for free on Wednesday’s.
  • There is a promotional ‘call-out’ on home page, which includes gift certificates.
  • This studio has a strong presence on Facebook ( and Twitter.  I noticed a good use of branding, images, and video on the website and social media sites.
  • There are featured events on home page, making this information prominent and easy to find.
  • I also noticed a variety of events listed, including, retreats, work study, transformational work.
  • This studio offers what they call a Prema Membership, reducing the class price with a monthly auto-pay system.
  • The opportunity to purchase gift certificates is prominently displayed on the home page.
  • This studio offers a variety of workshops.
  • The website has a gallery for “parties,” which encourages interaction of clients and staff.  They also have a graffiti wall in the studio for people to communicate.
  • The website offers first time students unlimited yoga for $30 for two weeks.
  • They are using social media sites and are easy to locate on Facebook (
  • The studio website displays a large variety of teachers.

As a Web Developer, when I review a website for personal use, I am drawn to creative yet functional design. I like to find pertinent information easily and quickly. A good navigation system and appealing home page are essential for me to stay on a site to find the information I need. I hope you take the time to review the websites listed above as an example of how good design and the correct display of information can be beneficial for your website, your business and your clients.