WordPress is not only great for blogging, it’s come a long way as a content management tool. I find it’s dashboard and usability is better. My clients are pleased that it’s as user friendly as using a macintosh, Apple computer. Making updates is as easy as using Microsoft Word or writing an email, as it has a lot of the same features.

5 Ways WordPress is useful as a content management tool; (without having to rely on a web developer or professional to do);

  1. Upload recent articles to a category you would create under blog, called “Articles”
  2. Add favorite images, video, or even audio (view a example of this of a website I did this for here.
  3. Adding hyperlinks or external links to web content
  4. All in One SEO Pack Plugin — easy for you to update own meta tag information of title, description and keywords.
  5. Add pages to website architecture and navigation