by optimalfitness | Aug 4, 2015 | Dear Referee, Queen Bee
As a business firm, you must understand the benefits of a well designed website. Website is a crucial part of your branding and marketing campaign. Here are the top ten website design mistakes that you should avoid to generate a great user experience. 1) Cheap or Free...
by optimalfitness | Jul 24, 2015 | Dear Referee, Queen Bee
Often we get inquiries on how to improve a membership website. There are best practices to take into consideration, see below for some highlights. 1. Call-To-Action Buttons and buttons, and more buttons, please!!! Some ways to go about this: Non-Members: Button in the...
by optimalfitness | Jul 10, 2015 | Dear Referee, Queen Bee
WordPress is often used by professionals as well as amateurs to start blogging. There are attractive themes and social features that make it an attractive choice. But there is a need to protect your blog from the infectious malware activities. These malwares have the...