Also known as Search Engine Optimization. It is the process of improving the visibility and performance of a website or web page in search engines.
An interactive approach to connect with audience by posting information. It allows visitors to post comments or begin a discussion about topic. In most cases, some blogs provide commentary or news about a particular topic; while others are more a personal online diary.
Web 2.0
Websites that encourage interaction, and collaboration in social media dialogue. Examples include; Facebook, Ning, LinkedIn, blogs, wikis, etc.
Google Analytics
A comprehensive tool to measure website traffic.
Organic Search
Instead of advertising or using pay per click advertising methods, an organic search are listings on search engine result pages that appear because of their relevance to the search terms.
WordPress Plugin
Can be added to the web browser to support information like sound, video, and slideshows. WordPress has a series of plugins created by developers, open source. It can enhance your blogs performance with a specific feature. One of my favorites is adding a share button at the end of every post. My motto is, there is a ‘plugin for that.’