WordPress is frequently changing to adapt the security and browser issues and your installation should be “Tuned Up” as often as possible to ensure your website is safe and completely error free.

Upgrade website every time a new update comes out to keep website secure

Whenever WordPress upgrade is released, quickly click the upgrade button and upgrade your blog
or website’s WordPress installation as soon as possible. This is important to ensure your blog or website is secure. Also, upgrade new themes and plugins when those updates are released and delete plugins and themes you are not using. If you are not comfortable with this process, you should have your web developer do your updates.  If something goes wrong with the WordPress upgrade process, you should to be able to immediately fix the issue or restore an earlier version of your website.  If your website gets a significant number of traffic, Leads, queries then you may want to wait until your off business hours, or even a weekend or holidays before starting an upgrade process. Furthermore, you need to keep some buffer time to ensure that all plugins are working fine

Any software you use, needs ongoing maintenance and support, from the moment it’s installed to the end of life

Why to go for constant Software Maintenance? Maintenance has to be performed to repair the existing faults or issue in the software. This might include bug fixes due to wrong code or a major process repair if the problem is advanced. Software Maintenance involves testing to detect a problem and injecting a solution without disturbing the rest of the process. One can also undergo the maintenance process to fine tune the performance ability, usability and functionality of the software. It can simply range from changing the graphical user interface of the software to make it more user friendly and attractive to making drastic changes in the core code to improve the average runtime and performance.

Take advantage of the newest features

So many people have heard of WordPress now-a-days, and seem to think that it is mainly used for blogging websites. But the fact is that now anyone can use WordPress websites, whether they use a blog or not. WordPress is fully customizable and allows you to create a custom website or choose from many themes which can give your website the feel and look you want it to have. The great advantage of using newest WordPress is the ability to use a plethora of plugins that can help aid you in Social Media Networking process. WordPress has already been hard at work getting your website noticed in major search engines. Now, you do not expect to rank at the top position or even on the first page immediately just through using WordPress process. This is a process that takes some time. But you can be 100% sure that WordPress makes it easy for major search engines, especially Google, to find your website more easily and smoothly.