What is a hashtag?

Hashtags are a fun way to categorize Twitter posts with keywords or major topics. First, add a favorite hashtag to Twitter post, next people may catch on to your hashtag and may begin using those hashtags in their posts on Twitter. Last, people may click on hashtag to follow the conversation.


  • Hashtags may appear anywhere in post
  • Hashtags appear under trending topics, these are what are most popular usually
  • Using Hashtags helps increase followers
  • Anyone who searches by a keyword on a search engine by location, i.e. Denver, your hashtag may appear in their search results

When are hashtags typically used?

  • Hashtags are often used during a convention, event or popular trend.
  • Hashtags add value to a post to categorize or organize them better.
  • Follow a conversation.

Hashtags that are specified by a location

It’s always a good idea to include a location in hashtags. Your followers may want to know what is happening with yoga in their area rather than globally. Some possible hashtags to use for the wellness industry would be;






Other Twitter hashtags used in the wellness industry



Secret Twitter Hashtags:





